Chapter 16 Car taxation

There are three different taxes related to the ownership of a car:

  • the tax on entry into service (TES) is a tax paid when a vehicle is registered, no matter whether it is new or used;
  • the circulation tax (CT) is a tax paid annually for each vehicle owned;
  • the additional circulation tax (ACT) is an annual tax on LPG vehicles whose amount depends on fiscal power.57

Note that there is a bonus for new zero-emission vehicles in the Flemish Region, although it is abolished at the end of 2020.

16.1 Tax on entry into service (TES)

The tax on entry into service (TES) is a tax paid when a vehicle is registered, no matter whether it is new or used. For leased vehicles, the rules are the same across regions. For vehicles not leased, each region has determined its own rules.

16.1.1 Leased vehicles

The amount depends on fiscal power (FP), engine power (in kW) and vehicle age (in fully elapsed years). If the fiscal power does not correspond to the engine power, the higher amount is retained.58 The amounts of TES for cars depending on their age and fiscal/engine power are given in Tables 16.1, 16.2 and 16.3.

Table 16.1: TES (in €) for cars no older than 5 years
Fiscal power Engine power 0 years 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years
FP 8 kW 70 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5
9 FP 10 70 < kW 85 123.0 110.7 98.4 86.1 73.8 67.7
FP = 11 85 < kW 100 495.0 445.5 396.0 346.5 297.0 272.2
12 FP 14 100 < kW 110 867.0 780.3 693.6 606.9 520.2 476.9
FP = 15 110 < kW 120 1239.0 1115.1 991.2 867.3 743.4 681.5
16 FP 17 120 < kW 155 2478.0 2230.2 1982.4 1734.6 1486.8 1362.9
FP > 17 kW > 155 4957.0 4461.3 3965.6 3469.9 2974.2 2726.3
Table 16.2: TES (in €) for cars with age between 6 and 10 years
Fiscal power Engine power 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years
FP 8 kW 70 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5
9 FP 10 70 < kW 85 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5
FP = 11 85 < kW 100 247.5 222.8 198.0 173.2 148.5
12 FP 14 100 < kW 110 433.5 390.1 346.8 303.4 260.1
FP = 15 110 < kW 120 619.5 557.5 495.6 433.6 371.7
16 FP 17 120 < kW 155 1239.0 1115.1 991.2 867.3 743.4
FP > 17 kW > 155 2478.5 2230.7 1982.8 1735.0 1487.1
Table 16.3: TES (in €) for cars older than 10 years
Fiscal power Engine power 11 years 12 years 13 years 14 years 15 or more
FP 8 kW 70 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5
9 FP 10 70 < kW 85 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5
FP = 11 85 < kW 100 123.8 99.0 74.2 61.5 61.5
12 FP 14 100 < kW 110 216.8 173.4 130.1 86.7 61.5
FP = 15 110 < kW 120 309.8 247.8 185.8 123.9 61.5
16 FP 17 120 < kW 155 619.5 495.6 371.7 247.8 61.5
FP > 17 kW > 155 1239.2 991.4 743.5 495.7 61.5

LPG vehicles

The amount is lower for LPG vehicles in most cases (maximum difference: €298). The actual amounts of TES for LPG vehicles depending on their age and fiscal/engine power are given in Tables 16.4, 16.5 and 16.6.

Table 16.4: TES (in €) for LPG cars no older than 5 years
Fiscal power Engine power 0 years 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years
FP 8 kW 70 0 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5
9 FP 10 70 < kW 85 0 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5
FP = 11 85 < kW 100 197 177.3 157.6 137.9 118.2 108.3
12 FP 14 100 < kW 110 569 512.1 455.2 398.3 341.4 312.9
FP = 15 110 < kW 120 941 846.9 752.8 658.7 564.6 517.5
16 FP 17 120 < kW 155 2180 1962.0 1744.0 1526.0 1308.0 1199.0
FP > 17 kW > 155 4659 4193.1 3727.2 3261.3 2795.4 2562.4
Table 16.5: TES (in €) for LPG cars with age between 6 and 10 years
Fiscal power Engine power 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years
FP 8 kW 70 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5
9 FP 10 70 < kW 85 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5
FP = 11 85 < kW 100 98.5 88.7 78.8 69.0 61.5
12 FP 14 100 < kW 110 284.5 256.1 227.6 199.2 170.7
FP = 15 110 < kW 120 470.5 423.4 376.4 329.4 282.3
16 FP 17 120 < kW 155 1090.0 981.0 872.0 763.0 654.0
FP > 17 kW > 155 2329.5 2096.6 1863.6 1630.7 1397.7
Table 16.6: TES (in €) for LPG cars older than 10 years
Fiscal power Engine power 11 years 12 years 13 years 14 years 15 or more
FP 8 kW 70 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5
9 FP 10 70 < kW 85 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5
FP = 11 85 < kW 100 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5
12 FP 14 100 < kW 110 142.2 113.8 85.3 61.5 61.5
FP = 15 110 < kW 120 235.2 188.2 141.2 94.1 61.5
16 FP 17 120 < kW 155 545.0 436.0 327.0 218.0 61.5
FP > 17 kW > 155 1164.8 931.8 698.9 465.9 61.5

Electric vehicles
The amount of TES for electric vehicles is €61.50.

Hybrid vehicles Hybrid vehicles are taxed according to their fiscal/engine power.

16.1.2 Purchased vehicles: Brussels

The rules are the same as for the leased vehicles, as described in Section 16.1.1, with the same special treatments for LPG and electric vehicles.

16.1.3 Purchased vehicles: Flanders

The TES is calculated according to the following formula and should be comprised between €45.56 and €11391.05 (before the special treatments of CNG, electric and old vehicles are applied): TES=[(CO2×f+x246)6×4500+c]×LC where

  • CO2 is a level of carbon dioxide emissions (in g/km);
  • f is fuel type coefficient (equal to 0.88 for LPG vehicles, 0.93 for CNG vehicles, 0.744 for CNG vehicles that are homologated as gasoline vehicles, and to 1 for other vehicles);
  • x is CO2 correction in function of technological evolution; x equals 0 g CO2/km and is increased annually by 4.5 g CO2/km from the year 2013. In 2020 it is equal to 36;
  • c is a component for fuel type and Euro norm. Its amounts in € for the period from 01/07/2020 to 30/06/2021 are shown in Table 16.7;
  • LC is a vehicle age coefficient. It’s values are shown in Table 16.8.
Table 16.7: c component depending on Euro norm and fuel type
Euro norm Diesel Other fuel type
Euro 0 3107 1235.7
Euro 1 911 552.6
Euro 2 676 165.2
Euro 3 (without soot filter) 535 103.7
Euro 3 (with soot filter) 507 103.7
Euro 4 (without soot filter) 507 24.9
Euro 4 (with soot filter) 498 24.9
Euro 5 498 22.4
Euro 6 493 22.4
Table 16.8: LC vehicle age coefficient depending on vehicle age (in fully elapsed years)
Vehicle age LC coefficient
0 100%
1 90%
2 80%
3 70%
4 60%
5 50%
6 40%
7 30%
8 20%
9 10%

Old vehicles

  • For old vehicles (more than 28 years old), the TES is equal to €45.56 (the minimum amount).
    • The threshold for a vehicle to be considered as old will progressively change from 25 to 30 years old.

CNG vehicles

  • CNG vehicles that have been registered to DIV before 01/07/2017 are exempted from the TES regardless of the fiscal power.
  • CNG vehicles have been registered to DIV after 01/07/2017 with a fiscal power of maximum 11 are exempted from the TES.
  • Other CNG vehicles benefit from a €4000 reduction.
    • According to the simulator available on the website of the Flemish Region, the €4000 reduction is not indexed.
    • This reduction is not applied to the minimum tax.
  • These rules apply until 31/12/2020.

Electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles

  • Electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles that emit maximum 50g CO2/km are exempted from the TES until 31/12/2020.

16.1.4 Purchased vehicles: Wallonia

The base amount of TES is computed in the same way as for leased vehicles (see Tables 16.1, 16.2 and 16.3). The same special rules for LPG, electric and hybrid vehicles apply. An eco-malus is added for vehicles with CO2 emissions greater than 145 g/km. The values of eco-malus are given in the Table 16.9:

Table 16.9: Eco-malus (in €) depending on the carbon dioxide emissions (in g/km)
CO2 emissions Eco-malus
e 145 0
145 < e 155 100
155 < e 165 175
165 < e 175 250
175 < e 185 375
185 < e 195 500
195 < e 205 600
205 < e 215 700
215 < e 225 1000
225 < e 235 1200
235 < e 245 1500
245 < e 255 2000
e > 255 2500
  • For households with at least 4 dependent children (<25 years old), there is an adjustment of two categories (only applies if the vehicle emits no more than 226 g of CO2/km).59
  • For households with 3 dependent children (<25 years old), there is an adjustment of one category (only applies if the vehicle emits no more than 226 g of CO2/km).
  • For LPG vehicles, there is an adjustment of one category, regardless of the level of carbon dioxide emissions.
  • CNG vehicles are exempted from the eco-malus.
  • Vehicles that are more than 30 years old and have an oldtimer licence plate are exempted from the eco-malus.

16.2 Circulation tax (CT)

The circulation tax (CT) is a tax paid annually for each vehicle. Its amount varies depending on the region where the owner lives. The base amount of the CT is calculated on the basis of the fiscal power (see Table 16.10). The only exception is in Flanders, where the vehicles purchased after 2015 are subject to the groene verkeersbelasting (i.e. the “green circulation tax”, see Section 16.2.1).

Table 16.10: Base amount of the CT (in €). In Flanders, it includes a 10% local surcharge.
Fiscal power Wallonia and BCR Flanders
4 84 84
5 105 105
6 152 152
7 198 198
8 245 245
9 292 292
10 339 339
11 440 440
12 540 540
13 641 641
14 742 742
15 843 843
16 1104 1104
17 1365 1365
18 1626 1626
19 1887 1887
20 2148 2148
21 2266 2265
22 2383 2382
23 2500 2499
24 2617 2616
25 2734 2733
26 2852 2851
27 2969 2968
28 3086 3085
29 3203 3202
30 3320 3319
31 3438 3436
32 3555 3553
33 3672 3670
34 3789 3787
35 3907 3904
36 4024 4021
37 4141 4138
38 4258 4255
39 4375 4373
40 4493 4490

Electric and hybrid vehicles

  • In Flanders, electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles that emit maximum 50g CO2/km are exempted from the CT until 31/12/2020.
  • In Brussels and Wallonia, for electric vehicles the minimum amount (€83.56) applies. Hybrid vehicles are taxed according to their fiscal/engine power.

Old vehicles

  • CT for old vehicles amounts to €38.08
    • in all three regions for leased vehicles older than 25 years
    • for purchased vehicles in the Brussels Capital Region older than 25 years
    • for purchased vehicles in Walloon Region older than 30 years
  • For purchased vehicles in Flemish region see the relevant section below.

16.2.1 Flanders: vehicles purchased after 2015

For all vehicles registered before 01/01/2016 the base CT amount applies (see Table (tab:17-table10)).

In Flanders, the passenger cars, dual-purpose cars and minibuses which have been purchased and registered after 01/01/2016 are subject to the groene verkeersbelasting (i.e. “green circulation tax”). The amount to be paid is calculated on the basis of the fiscal power (as in Table 16.10), which is adjusted using the following formula: CT=CTB×(1+ACO2+AEuro),


  • CTB is the base CT amount determined on the basis of fiscal power (see Table 16.10);
  • ACO2=0.003×(CO2122), where CO2 is the level of carbon dioxide emissions, ranging between 24 and 500 g/km;
  • AEuro depends on fuel type and Euro norm given in Table 16.11.

The minimum amount of the CT is €47.74 (before the rules of special treatment of LPG, CNG, electric and old vehicles are applied). This does not apply to LPG vehicles.

Table 16.11: AEuro values
Euro norm Diesel Other fuel type
Euro 0 0.500 0.300
Euro 1 0.400 0.100
Euro 2 0.350 0.050
Euro 3 (without soot filter) 0.300 0.000
Euro 3 (with soot filter) 0.250 0.000
Euro 4 (without soot filter) 0.250 -0.125
Euro 4 (with soot filter) 0.175 -0.125
Euro 5 0.175 -0.150
Euro 6 0.150 -0.150

Old vehicles

  • €38.08 € if the vehicle is more than 28 years old (in 2020) (before the rules for LPG, CNG and electric vehicles are applied).
    • The threshold for a vehicle to be eligible will progressively change from 25 to 30 years old.

LPG vehicles

  • Reduction of €119.33 (€108.48 without the 10% local surcharge).
    • If the reduction is granted, the minimum tax does not apply.

CNG vehicles

  • CNG vehicles that have been registered to DIV before 01/07/2017 are exempted from the CT regardless of the fiscal power.
  • CNG vehicles have been registered to DIV after 01/07/2017 with a fiscal power of maximum 11 are exempted from the CT.
  • Other CNG vehicles benefit from a €4000 reduction.
    • According to the simulator available on the website of the Flemish Region, the €4000 reduction is not indexed.
    • This reduction is not applied to the minimum tax.
  • These rules apply until 31/12/2020.

Electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles

  • Electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles that emit maximum 50g CO2/km are exempted from the CT until 31/12/2020.

16.3 Additional circulation tax (ACT)

The additional circulation tax (ACT) is an annual tax on LPG vehicles whose amount depends on fiscal power.

Table 16.12: Additional circulation tax depending on fiscal power
Fiscal power ACT
FP 7 89.2
8 FP 13 148.7
FP 14 208.2

16.4 Bonus for new zero-emission vehicles in Flanders

This bonus applies to new zero-emission vehicles that are registered in the Flemish Region. Its amount depends on the catalog value of the vehicle (including VAT), see Table 16.13. It will be abolished in 2020.

Table 16.13: Amount of the bonus for new zero-emission vehicles
Catalog value Bonus in euros
c < 31 000 4000
31 000 c < 41 000 3500
41 000 c < 61 000 2500
c 61 000 2000

Other conditions for eligibility

  • Only private cars are eligible for this bonus.60 Whether they are leased or not does not matter.
  • The vehicle has to be kept at least 3 years. Otherwise, the bonus has to be refunded.
  • Date of registration to DIV:
    • Leased vehicles: between 03/08/2017 and 31/10/202061
    • Vehicles not leased: between 01/01/2016 and 31/10/202062

16.5 Company car taxation

Company cars affect taxation through personal income tax (PIT), corporate income tax (CIT), value-added tax (VAT) and social security contributions.

16.5.1 Personal income tax

The tax value of the company car fringe benefit (ATN) depends on the catalog value of the vehicle, its age, its fuel type and its level of carbon dioxide emissions. It is calculated according to the basic formula: ATN=CV×67×AC×CDC where

  • CV is a catalog value of the vehicle as new, including VAT;
  • AC is an age coefficient given in Table 16.14 (see below);
  • CDC is a carbon dioxide coefficient calculated according to the following formula: CDC=0.055+0.001×(er) where
    • e is a level of carbon dioxide emissions (in g/km);
    • r is a reference level of carbon dioxide emissions, which is 88 g/km for diesel vehicles and 107 g/km for other vehicles.
  • CDC equals to 0.04 (minimum value) for electric vehicles regardless of carbon dioxide emissions.
  • CDC must be comprised between 0.04 and 0.18.
Table 16.14: AC vehicle age coefficient
Vehicle age (in months) Age coefficient
a 12 1.00
12 < a 24 0.94
24 < a 36 0.88
36 < a 48 0.82
48 < a 60 0.76
a > 60 0.70

Financial contribution paid by the employee or the company manager

  • The financial contribution paid by the employee or the company manager for the provision of a company car can be deducted from the tax value of the fringe benefit, but the latter cannot become negative as a result.


  • The tax value of the company car fringe benefit cannot fall below €1340 (except when paid financial contribution is deducted).

16.5.2 Social security contributions

For employees, the company car fringe benefit gives rise to a solidarity contribution whose annual amount depends on carbon dioxide emissions and fuel type (see below). For company managers, the tax value of the company car fringe benefit (ATN) is subject to ordinary social contributions.63

Basic formula (before indexation) Solidaritycontribution=9×er where

  • e is a level of carbon dioxide emissions (in g/km);
  • r is a reduction whose amount depends on fuel type:
    • €600 for diesel vehicles;
    • €768 for gasoline vehicles;
    • €990 for LPG and CNG vehicles.

Electric vehicles (before indexation)

  • Solidarity contribution for electric vehicles amounts to €20.83/month (minimum amount).

Minimum (before indexation)

  • Solidarity contribution cannot fall below €20.83/month.

Indexation Solidaritycontribution=solidaritycontributionbeforeindexation×147.73114.08

16.5.3 Corporate income tax

We describe the corporate income tax treatment of car and fuel expenses after the reform (from 01/01/2020). Car expenses

Car expenses: all car expenses, including ownership taxes, non-recoverable VAT and 70% of the reimbursement of business trips made by employees and company managers. A distinction is made between car expenses that are eligible for a full deduction and other car expenses.

Eligible car expenses (in principle related to private trips) are fully deductible. Eligible car expenses are equal to 70% of the tax value of the company car fringe benefit (obviously, they cannot exceed car expenses). When no company car is provided (for instance, when business trips are reimbursed), car expenses are not eligible for a full deduction.

Other car expenses (in principle related to business trips) are deductible at a rate that depends on fuel type and carbon dioxide emissions. The rules differ before and after the corporate income tax reform.

The deductibility rate is calculated according to the following formula: Deductibilityrate=1.20.005×f×e

  • where
    • f is a fuel type coefficient equal to 1 for diesel vehicles, 0.95 for gasoline and LPG vehicles and 0.9 for CNG vehicles;
    • e is a level of carbon dioxide emissions (in g/km).
  • The deductibility rate of car expenses must be comprised between 50% and 100% (before the rules below are applied).
  • For vehicles that emit at least 200 g of carbon dioxide per km, the deductibility rate is set to 40%.
  • For electric vehicles, the deductibility rate is set to 100%. Fuel expenses

Fuel expenses: all fuel expenses, including non-recoverable VAT and 30% of the reimbursement of business trips made by employees and company managers (100% when the employee or the company manager only pays fuel because he or she is provided with a company car). A distinction is made between fuel expenses that are eligible for a full deduction and other fuel expenses.

Eligible fuel expenses (in principle related to private trips) are fully deductible. Eligible fuel expenses are equal to 30% of the tax value of the company car fringe benefit (obviously, they cannot exceed fuel expenses). When no company car is provided (for instance, when business trips are reimbursed), fuel expenses are not eligible for a full deduction.

For other fuel expenses (in principle related to business trips), the rules differ before and after the corporate income tax reform.

After the reform (from 01/01/2020)

  • The deductibility rate of other fuel expenses is aligned with the deductibility rate of other car expenses (see above). Disallowable expenses

An amount is added to the corporate income tax base when a company car is provided:

  • when a fuel card is provided, disallowable expenses are set to 40% of the tax value of the company car fringe benefit (as determined before the deduction of the financial contribution paid by the employee or the company manager);
  • when no fuel card is provided, disallowable expenses are set to 17% of the tax value of the company car fringe benefit (as determined before the deduction of the financial contribution paid by the employee or the company manager). Other expenses

Other expenses are fully deductible for corporate income tax purposes:

  • the financial contribution paid by the employee or the company manager and the bonus for a new zero-emission vehicle in the Flemish Region are fully added to the corporate income tax base;
  • the solidarity contribution is fully deductible.

16.5.4 Value-added tax

Part of the VAT paid on car and fuel expenses can be recovered by entities subject to VAT. The share of recoverable VAT can be determined by three different methods. The entity can choose whichever method it prefers.

Method 1

  • The share of recoverable VAT is equal to the share of business trips (in terms of mileage).64

Method 2

ShareofrecoverableVAT=1kmHW×2×200+6000kmT where

  • kmHW is a distance between home and work (in km);
  • kmT is a total annual mileage of the company car (in km).

Method 3

  • The share of recoverable VAT is set to 35%.


  • The share of recoverable VAT cannot exceed 50%.

16.6 SmartMove

SmartMove is an intelligent kilometre charge for all passenger and delivery vehicles circulating in the Brussels-Capital region (BCR). The charge do not apply to the kilometres driven on the motorways and it is computed as follows: Pk=(Pb×Cf)+Ck, where Pk is the tax that is due, which consists of 2 components:

  1. Pb×Cf is a daily amount that is due if a driver enters the taxable area, where:
    • Pb is the base component, which varies with the time of car use (in case of car use in different periods, the driver pays for the period with the highest congestion):
      • Peak hours (on week days 7:00 to 10:00, and 15:00 to 19:00): tariff is Pb(I)=1;
      • Off-peak hours (10:00 to 15:00, and 19:00 to 21:00): Pb(II)=0.5;
      • Nights (on week days 21:00 to 7:00), holidays and weekends: Pb(III)=0.
    • Cf is a function of the fiscal horsepower of the car (see Table 16.15). For electric vehicles, one applies the lowest multiplier. For hybrid vehicles, one considers only the cylinder capacity of the combustion engine.
  2. Ck=Mb×Km is the kilometre price, which depends on the number of kilometres driven in the taxable area, where:
    • Mb depends of the time of car use:
      • Peak hours (on week days 7:00 to 10:00, and 15:00 to 19:00): Mb(I)=0.18;
      • Off-peak hours (on week days 10:00 to 15:00, and 19:00 to 21:00): Mb(II)=0.09;
      • Nights (on week days 21:00 to 7:00), holidays and weekends: Mb(III)=0.
    • Km=km×(100%Corr) is the adjusted number of kilometers driven in the taxable area, where:
      • km is the number of kilometers driven on the given day;
      • Corr is a correction factor of 1.5%.
Table 16.15: Coefficient Cf
Fiscal power Cf
FP 7 0
FP = 8 1
9 FP 10 2
FP = 11 3
12 FP 15 4
16 FP 20 5
FP > 20 6

It is also possible to buy a daypass. Its price changes depending on the number of the daypass bought in total (see Table 16.16):

Table 16.16: Price (in €) of the daypass
Number of “daypass” bought Price
n<50 10
50n<100 15
n100 20

16.7 Modelling Assumptions

  • Although we listed rules for leased vehicles, these in principle should not concern ordinary individuals because “private leasing” is a rent of a car from a leasing company for a fixed monthly payment. Therefore, the car is registered on the name of the leasing company, which should pay all taxes. However, the fixed monthly payment that lessee makes includes these taxes and therefore these are implicitly paid by lessee.
  • We have focused on ordinary vehicles. Different rules apply to non-ordinary vehicles (véhicules utilitaires).
  • We have not considered the specific treatment that applies to disabled individuals
  • Remaining questions and uncertainties:
    • Not clear whether it is possible to register a leased vehicle to the name of its user. If this is the case, ownership taxes would be determined on the basis of the rules that apply for vehicles not leased in the region in which the user lives instead of the rules that apply for leased vehicles in the region in which the leasing company is established.
    • I didn’t find on which legal basis electric vehicles benefit from a special treatment for the TES and the CT.65 It might be that this results from a purely administrative application of the law.
    • LPG vehicles that are less than 1 year old seem not to be subject to the minimum amount of the TES (€61.50). This should be verified.

16.8 Module input

16.8.1 Variables

16.8.2 Parameters

16.9 Module output

16.10 References

[] Bruxelles Fiscalité - Taxes de circulation. Bruxelles Fiscalité, 2020. URL:

[] - Taxe de mise en circulation auto 2020 - 2021. 2020. URL:

[] Vlaamse Overheid - Verkeersbelastingen. 2020. URL:

[] Wallonie - Taxes liées aux véhicules. 2020. URL:

  1. Fiscal power is a ‘fiscal’ engine capacity of the vehicle, a fiscal rating based on cylinder capacity on the vehicle’s motor. In Belgium, the tax power depends on the cubic capacity of the engine in cubic centimeters at the rate of 1 tax horsepower for every 200 cm3.↩︎

  2. Example: fiscal power of 11, engine power of 80 kW and vehicle age between 2 and 3 years: €396.↩︎

  3. By adjustment of n categories is meant that after adjustment the eco-malus will be taken from a lower category (with lower eco-malus), which is by n categories higher in the Table 16.9. Example: in chase of adjustment of 2 categories, if a vehicle emits 180 g of CO2/km, the eco-malus is equal to €175 instead of €375.↩︎

  4. There are some exceptions to this rule: non-profit organisations, car-sharing providers, taxi licence holders and self-employed individuals.↩︎

  5. To be eligible, vehicles must also be ordered no later than 31/12/2019.↩︎

  6. Ibid.↩︎

  7. Note that for company managers (affiliated to INASTI), ordinary social contributions are not computed on the same basis as for employees (affiliated to ONSS).↩︎

  8. Commuting trips are not considered as business trips.↩︎

  9. With the exception of vehicles not leased in the Flemish Region.↩︎