Chapter 12 Social Security Contributions - Non-Labour Income

12.1 Retirement and survival pensions

Retirement and survival pension benefits for employees, both in the private and the public sector, are subject to a social insurance contribution for the funding of sickness and disability insurance. Computed on the gross pension benefit, this contribution amounts to 3.55% for employees in the private sector, 7.5% for statutory civil servants, and 1.5% for managers in the public sector. However, if the contribution brings the pension amount below a certain threshold, contributions are limited to the amount exceeding the threshold54. Thresholds are reported in Table 12.1.

Table 12.1: Thresholds for contributions on pensions
Household situation/Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Pensioner without dependent family 1413.84 1442.08 1470.9 1470.9 1500.36
Pensioner with dependent family 1675.59 1709.07 1743.22 1743.22 1778.14

An additional (solidarity) contribution is withheld according to the following scheme (Table 12.2 and Table 12.3).

Table 12.2: Solidarity contributions on pensions (no dependent family)
Pension amount in €/month Contribution
\(0.01\leq P \leq 2,594.45\) \(0\)
\(2,594.46 \leq P \leq 2,674.68\) \((P - 2,594.45) \times 0.5\)
\(2,674.69 \leq P \leq 2,873.57\) \(P \times 0.015\)
\(2,873.58 \leq P \leq 2,903.51\) \(43.10+(P-2,873,57) \times 0.5\)
\(P \gt 2,903.52\) \(P \times 0.02\)
* Brackets and contributions for 2019.
Table 12.3: Solidarity contributions on pensions (with dependent family)
Pension amount in €/month Contribution
\(0.01\leq P \leq 2,999.51\) \(0\)
\(2,999.52 \leq P \leq 3,092.26\) \((P - 2,999.51) \times 0.5\)
\(3,092.27 \leq P \leq 3,287.31\) \(P \times 0.015\)
\(3,287.32 \leq P \leq 3,321.55\) \(43.10+(P-3,287.31) \times 0.5\)
\(P \gt 3,321.56\) \(P \times 0.02\)
* Brackets and contributions for 2019.

This solidarity contribution has the purpose to increase solidarity among pensioners (the rate is progressively increasing) and it is especially used to protect and preserve minimum pensions.

12.2 Conventional early retirement benefits

Although, strictly speaking, the early retirement benefit is an unemployment benefit (see Section 7.1.4), its treatment concerning social insurance contributions is more similar to that of pensions. A social insurance contribution of 3.5% is withheld by the employer on the part paid by the employer to fund the pension insurance, and a contribution of 1% or 3%, depending on the start date of the early retirement, is withheld by the unemployment office on the unemployment benefit. The 1% is for those whose early retirement started before 1997 and the 3% for those who retired early after 1997. Also for early retired, the pension cannot fall below certain thresholds, which depend on the presence of a dependent family. If it does, no contributions are due.

12.3 Disability benefits

On disability benefits received by wage earners a social insurance contribution of 3.5% is due to fund the pension insurance scheme. Again, the payment of such contribution may not have as a consequence that the benefits fall below a certain threshold. If so, contributions are limited to the amount exceeding the threshold. The thresholds (€/day) for beneficiaries with and without dependent family are summarized in the Table 12.4.

Table 12.4: Thresholds for contributions on disability benefits
Household situation/Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Beneficiary without dependent family 47.63 48.58 49.55 49.55 50.54
Beneficiary with dependent family 57.37 58.52 59.69 59.69 60.88

Contributions are not due on benefits for primary disablement (first year).

12.5 Unemployment benefits

The unemployed do not pay social insurance contributions.

12.6 Modelling Assumptions

Social security contributions on retirement pensions (Section 12.1) are coded within the calculation of pensions. Among former public sector employees, no distinction is made between statutory civil servants and managers, which should normally be subject to a different social security contribution rate of 1.5%. Therefore, the 7.5% rate use to compute retired statutory civil servants’ social security contributions is applied indistinctly to all former public sector employees.
To calculate the social contributions on work-related sickness and disease and occupational injuries benefits, we use the variable “Sickness benefits” as if it extensively includes work-related sickness/disease and occupational injuries.

12.7 Module input

12.7.1 Variables

Name Description Database
bdi_pyg_sm yearly gross disability benefits SILC
bsi_pyg_sm yearly gross sickness benefits SILC
dag_p_sn Age at the end of the income reference period SILC
dhhty_h_fc Classification of Household type (composition)  HFCS
er_year early retirment year Other
erb_employer part of the early retirement benefit on the employer Other
erb_unempl_off part of the early retirement benefit on the unemployment office Other

12.7.2 Parameters

Name Description Value (2020)
ssc_nly_db_cr non-labour income / disability benefit / contribution rate 0.035
ssc_nly_db_thr non-labour income / disability benefit / threshold 50.54
ssc_nly_db_thr_df non-labour income / disability benefit / dependent family / threshold 60.88
ssc_nly_erb_age non-labour income / early retirement benefit / age 58
ssc_nly_erb_cr1 non-labour income / early retirement benefit / contribution rate 1 0.035
ssc_nly_erb_cr2a non-labour income / early retirement benefit / contribution rate 2a 0.01
ssc_nly_erb_cr2b non-labour income / early retirement benefit / contribution rate 2b 0.03
ssc_nly_erb_thr_yr non-labour income / early retirement benefit / threshold year 1997
ssc_nly_wrs_cr non-labour income / work-related sickness / contribution rate 0.1307

12.8 Module output

Name Description
t_ssc_nly_pens amount of the social security contributions on pensions
t_ssc_nly_conv_erb amount of the social security contributions on conventional early retirment benefits
t_ssc_nly_dis_ben amount of the social security contributions on disability benefits
t_ssc_nly_work_sick_ben amount of the social security contributions on work sick benefits

12.9 References

[] J. Derboven, Z. Rongé, S. Van Houtven, et al. “EUROMOD COUNTRY REPORT, BELGIUM (BE) 2016 – 2019”. In: n.d. (2019).

  1. This applies only to private sector employees.↩︎